Wednesday 6 March 2013

Addis Roaster Pan w/Lid & Red Handle

Get the best deal for Addis Roaster Pan w/Lid & Red Handle is now hitting the market. This best item is currently on sale, you can purchase it this moment for only $0.00 and often delivered in 24 hours.

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Buy Addis Roaster Pan w/Lid & Red Handle best price. Deals is presented for you on Roaster Pan w/Lid at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.

Item Description

The best way to share your amazing cooking is by bringing it wherever you go. Now you can without having to fuss with aluminum foil or saran wrap. This roasting pan is the ideal pan for taking your delicious food to any party or event. The snap on lid secures food in and the colorful handle allows you to pick it up and go. The nonstick coating makes the after party cleaning easy as can be.


  • Non-Stick Coating
  • Travel Lid w/ Handle
  • Easy to clean
  • Snap Lock Lid
  • 14.2"x9"x2"

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Key: Roaster Pan w/Lid, Addis Roaster Pan

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