Saturday 13 April 2013

Ceramic frying pan - induction - cm. 24

Get the best deal for Ceramic frying pan - induction - cm. 24 is now available. This awesome Ceramic frying pan is currently available, you can buy it now for only $0.00 and usually ships within a single day.

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Buy Ceramic frying pan - induction - cm. 24 best price. Best deal is presented for you on Ceramic frying pan at Discounted prices. Find for lowest deals.

Item Description

New non-stick line with inner ceramic coating, ideal utensil for low-fat, browned or crunchy cooking. Its perfectly smooth surface allows the most natural mode of cooking. The non-slip heat-insulated handle secures a safe easy grip. You can use it with all heat sources, including induction hobs. Its maintenance is very easy and its long lifetime will even be extended as long as you follow the instructions enclosed in the package. Size: 24 cm in diameter Heat sources: gas, electricity, halogen, vitreous ceramic, induction



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