Sunday 28 April 2013

ELO 82078 Aluminum Non-Stick Roaster Pan with Removable Handles, 11 by 11-Inch

Best offer for ELO 82078 Aluminum Non-Stick Roaster Pan with Removable Handles, 11 by 11-Inch is becoming hot. This best product is currently available, you could buy it right now for just $165.00 and usually ships within a day.

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Buy ELO 82078 Aluminum Non-Stick Roaster Pan with Removable Handles, 11 by 11-Inch lowest price. lowest price is presented for you on ELO Aluminum Non-Stick at Best prices. Find for lowest deals.

Product Description

This great braising pan ELO TakeOff offers a lot of possibilities around frying. The practical aroma-knob makes it possible to spice up the dishes without lifting the lid. You can easily change the handles to get a frypan or serving pan. For the oven please remove the handles and the lid. The pan can be used on all kinds of hobs even induction. Space-saving thanks to removeable handles.

Factor Benefits

  • 11-inch by 11-inch roaster pan
  • Made of aluminum
  • Aroma-knob makes it possible to spice up the dishes without lifting the lid
  • Can be used on all kinds of hobs even induction
  • Removeable handles for space saving


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