Monday 1 April 2013

Bread Pan, Single, Glazed, 7-1/4x3-5/8

Get the best deal for Bread Pan, Single, Glazed, 7-1/4x3-5/8 is trending. This cool Bread Pan, Glazed, is currently available, you could purchase it right now for only $0.00 and often ships within a single day.

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Purchase Bread Pan, Single, Glazed, 7-1/4x3-5/8 best deal. Top deals is presented for you on Bread Pan, Glazed, at Discounted prices. Get for lowest deals.

Product Description

Single Bread Pan, Size 7-1/4 In. W x 3-5/8 In. L x 2-1/4 In. D, Material Glazed Aluminized Steel, Gauge 26 Bread and Pullman PansAll Chicago Metallic (except uncoated 11K124, 11K126, 11K128, 11K130, and 11K132) include AMERICOAT Plus silicone bakery release coating. Sliding drop-style covers for Pullman-style pans are available separately. Sets 11M745 and 11M746 include 3 pans. Set 11M747 includes 4 pans. 5YGY3 and 5YGY4 feature individual seamless cups that are locked into heavy frames; corrosion-resistant material withstands temperatures in excess of 700 F.Aluminized steel construction


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